A zero-trust fitness + nutrition blog. Don't trust us. Trust the science.

FitFeastFinish: Start with why. The first, zero-trust blog for autistic individuals and similar conditions. Factually verified by scientific evidence in an age of misinformation. No bullshit. Just facts.

FitFeastFinish Hero Image
Philosophy: No Bullshit. Just facts.

Always Start with Why: The FitFeastFinish Way

Why build a zero-trust blog for autistic individuals and similar conditions? Why FitFeastFinish?

Why Start Now With A Blog?

I felt that there was a lot of garbage and snake-oil preying on autistic individuals like me. Too much useless information, especially with AI generated content. So FitFeastFinish was born. A blog that is factually verified and a source of truth that can be trusted because it isn't built on trust and is transparent in how it operates and creates content.

Why Autistic Individuals And Similar Conditions?

I am extremely gullible and have a hard time identifying what is true and what is not. On top of that, with AI generated content my anxiety fueled trust issues have only gotten worse. I wanted to build a source of truth that goes through a quality check process. Based on facts. No sarcasm. No BS. Just facts.

Why Zero-Trust?

I do not trust myself. Yes I said it. I sometimes have no control over my body and regulating myself. If I can't trust myself then I just won't. I will trust the science. I will trust the facts. I will trust the checklists. I will trust myself not to trust so I can navigate this world.

Why Facts? Why Science?

Having to ask that question now, proves to me, that what I need to build a blog that is factually verified and a source of truth that can be trusted because I don't even trust it at its foundation. That the quality check process is transparent in how it operates and creates content.

Why Use Checklists?

I have a hard time following instructions, following through, and remembering things. I have a hard time with a lot of things. Checklists help me. They help me navigate this world when my body fails me.

Why FitFeastFinish?

Because it has helped me do what is right for me and manage my nutrition and fitness. It has helped me build a routine and a structure that I can follow and manage my symptoms. It keeps me feeling grounded and alive.

Zero-Trust Blogging

How Matters: The Zero-Trust Blog Framework

The Process of Zero-Trust Blogging

Always Starting with Why

Each post starts with the why. Why does this matter? Why should you care? Why should you read this? We make sure to answer that question in every post.

How Matters

Each post addresses the elephant in the room, how can use this knowledge to help me and my pain? We make sure to answer that question in every post.

Actionable Checklists

Providing practical checklists that provide step-by-step guidance, helping you apply what you learn directly to your life.

The Long Breakdown

The science and the facts. We make sure to provide an indepth article of the science behind each fact in every post.

Fact-Checked with Originality.ai

Fact Checking Has Never Been More Important Than Now.

Real-Time Automated Fact Checked Content

This advanced technology ensures our content is comprehensive and reliable, extending beyond knowledge from current models.

Ensuring Accurate Content: We Take Extra Steps to Avoid Mistakes

Minimizing errors and rigorously fact-checked to ensure every piece of content is reliable and trustworthy.

User Log Verification: The Future of Blogging

Our innovative approach allows users to look at the logs of how the content was factually verified. Ensuring transparency and trustworthiness.

How to get started with FitFeastFinish

Step 1: Identify goal

Nutrition or Fitness? Choose your path and set your goals. The journey to your dream beach body starts with a single step. Let's take it together!

Step 2: Search blog

Search through the category that best fits your goal. Dive into the ocean of knowledge and find the treasure that will lead you to your dream beach body.

Step 3: Read article

Read the article and follow the checklists. The checklists is the key to your dream beach body. Trust the process and you will get there.


Steps image

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Frequently Asked Questions

Dive into the following questions to gain insights into the powerful features that AstroWind offers and how it can elevate your web development journey.

Why FitFeastFinish?

To act on factually verified information, so that, together we can grow and spend more time with the people we love. I am autistic and I want to make the world a better place. I am FitFeastFinish.

What do I need to start?

Belief in yourself. If you have that, you are already halfway there. The other half is just reading the blog and following the process.

How to benefit the most from reading the blog?

Each article contains several checklists, which you can use to apply the knowledge you gain from the blog. The more you apply, the more you benefit.

How do you make money?

Currently I do not make money from the blog. I am doing this because to I want to read a blog like this. I am my own target audience. I am FitFeastFinish.

Is there a way I can make requests or suggestions?

Absolutely! I am always open to suggestions and requests. You can reach out to me through the contact form on footer of the blog.

It sounds too good to be true. What is the catch?

There is always a catch. Eventually I will make money from the blog, through affiliate marketing and selling my own products. I will never put ads. I hate ads. But for now, I am just enjoying the process.


Zero-Trust Fitness + 
Nutrition Blog

Don't know where to start? Go wild! Randomly read a zero-trust f3 article. Just f3 it! :P